Law 21+

Dead at 18 after birthday drinks. Yet 95 % spirit still sold!

“An Australian teenager died on her 18th birthday after drinking [finally including] a 95% alcohol strength spirit.“ “According to Nicole’s family, the teen wasn’t a big drinker…” [Nicole was new to drinking only a few months prior – by a degrading influence of her boyfriend’s drinking mates.] “Nicole Bicknell collapsed after having several shots of …

Dead at 18 after birthday drinks. Yet 95 % spirit still sold! Read More »

Increase drinking age to save lives says Australian Medical Association

“…every day we see the devastating results in emergency departments” AMA Queensland President Dr Chris Zappala said. Trading Hour Push Ahead of Summer Drinks Toll, Australian Medical Association Queensland Media Release 2015. In 2009, Australian Medical Association Queensland president Dr Mason Stevenson said the surge in teenage binge drinking has worrying implications for Australia, as …

Increase drinking age to save lives says Australian Medical Association Read More »

72% liquor outlets failed to ask proof of age “absolute disgrace” says WA police chief

The social responsibility code requires ID checks if a person looks under 25 and asks to buy alcohol. So the Western Australian police sent cadets to test compliance. The results? WA police chief says “…the conduct of the outlets can only be described as an absolute disgrace.” The supposed commitment of outlets to this code …

72% liquor outlets failed to ask proof of age “absolute disgrace” says WA police chief Read More »

Australian Family Association on benefits of drinking age increase

“Several studies in the 1970s found that motor vehicle crashes increased significantly among teens when the MLDA [Minimum Legal Drinking Age in Australia] was lowered.” “Recent neuro-imaging studies show that the human brain is still developing through to the mid 20s. Episodes of heavy alcohol use that are common amongst young adults have detrimental implications …

Australian Family Association on benefits of drinking age increase Read More »

Teen Challenge Qld calls for drinking age to be raised to 21

“the Queensland based rehabilitation organisation sees the problem as being a result of deeper fundamental cultural issue that won’t and can’t be solved by treating the symptoms…” “The organisations Executive Director, Joanne Hobbs, believes the most impactful way we can see a change in this culture is to include raising the drinking age to 21 as …

Teen Challenge Qld calls for drinking age to be raised to 21 Read More »

Election: Australian Christians WA helpful alcohol policies

“Australian Christians will introduce legislation to increase the drinking age to 21. Alcohol is a gateway drug.” “Australian Christians will introduce an Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill in WA.” “Australian Christians will introduce an amendment to the Liquor Act to restrict extended trading hours by hotels and liquor stores, and increase the penalties for selling …

Election: Australian Christians WA helpful alcohol policies Read More »