
“Merry Christmas” worse than major sin! Worse than drinking says Australian Islamic preacher. What?!

A certain Australian Islamic preacher says: “Congratulating them is more severe and hated than congratulating someone for drinking khamr, or for committing murder, or committing adultery and so on… They do not realize the ugliness of their action. A person who congratulates for sin … would be liable to the anger of Allah… It is …

“Merry Christmas” worse than major sin! Worse than drinking says Australian Islamic preacher. What?! Read More »

Christian Pakistani MP said ban alcohol completely. But Islamic majority rejected complete ban.

In Pakistan (2019) non-Moslem members of the National Assembly proposed a constitutional amendment to completely ban the sale of alcohol in the name of religious minorities. This proposal included member Shunila Ruth – a Christian woman. “The Prohibition Hadd Ordinance is an extreme insult to Christianity and other minority religions, by associating blanket term ‘liquor’ …

Christian Pakistani MP said ban alcohol completely. But Islamic majority rejected complete ban. Read More »

Russian Orthodox Church Slams Proposal to Continue Selling Beer at Stadiums

“The Russian Orthodox Church has criticized a proposed plan for Russia to relax its ban on beer sales at sports stadiums after a regional official asked President Vladimir Putin to continue sales after the World Cup. Russia relaxed its 2005 ban on alcohol sales at stadiums for the football tournament this summer in line with …

Russian Orthodox Church Slams Proposal to Continue Selling Beer at Stadiums Read More »

Terrorists Who Drink Alcohol

Some of the infamous violent people who give religious ‘fundamentalist’ people a bad name are drinkers themselves – not teetotallers! Yet certain media reporters may have forgotten this. If a terrorist be Islamic and a non-drinker, then secular media may be tempted to sneer at teetotallers generally or Christian ‘fundamentalists.’ Many Christians frown on drinking …

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