
See: Bible says be sober again and again

שֵׁכָר Deut. 14:26 Shekhar – meaning sweet drink or strong drink in Bible? (Hebrew meaning of shekhar)

Deuteronomy 14:26 simply refers to wine and fruit-cider (yayin and shekhar) at a feast. The Hebrew text does not specify ‘hard’ cider. Hard cider recieves no specific endorsement. “wine, and cider” (Deut. 14:26, Wycliffe’s Bible With Modern Spelling) See also: Bible says be sober again and again. Grape juice already called yayin (wine) in the …

שֵׁכָר Deut. 14:26 Shekhar – meaning sweet drink or strong drink in Bible? (Hebrew meaning of shekhar) Read More »

Some ancient wines not even mildly intoxicating. Others were intoxicating.

Firstly: nobody is disputing that alcoholic wines existed (but non-fortified). Yet here is some of the evidence why anybody who wished to avoid all alcoholic wine was able to avoid this type in Biblical times. …the Roman writer Cato, in his treatise On Agriculture, gave this prescription: ‘If you wish to keep new wine sweet …

Some ancient wines not even mildly intoxicating. Others were intoxicating. Read More »

The Temperance Bible-Commentary – Dr. F.R. Lees & Rev. D. Burns

Giving at one view Version, Criticism, and Exposition, in regard to all passages of Holy Writ bearing on ‘wine’ and ‘strong drink,’ or illustrating the principles of the temperance reformation. By Dr. Frederic Richard Lees, F.S.A. and Rev. Dawson Burns, M.A., 1870, National Temperance Society and Publication House, New York. View Contents on (1868 …

The Temperance Bible-Commentary – Dr. F.R. Lees & Rev. D. Burns Read More »

Οἶνος Water to wine miracle: NO REASON to assume it’s ALCOHOLIC wine. (Greek meaning of oinos in John 2 – the wedding at Cana)

Is oinos alcoholic always in the Greek meaning? Jesus turns water into wine, but which type of wine? NOT ALL oinos wine is alcoholic. (See also: broad meaning of wine (oinos) – documented.) ‘The burden of proof here rests with the advocate of alcoholic wine…’ —Frederick Richard Lees & Dawson Burns, The Temperance Bible-Commentary When …

Οἶνος Water to wine miracle: NO REASON to assume it’s ALCOHOLIC wine. (Greek meaning of oinos in John 2 – the wedding at Cana) Read More »