
Grog huge problem, plain as nose on your face, for aboriginal deaths in custody – Noel Pearson

NOEL PEARSON: Well, I think that there’s not been a proper confrontation with the drivers of these problems. There’s been an unwillingness, for example, to make the connection between grog and the abuse. And, you know, these problems go back a long way. I come with a great deal of scepticism about many of the …

Grog huge problem, plain as nose on your face, for aboriginal deaths in custody – Noel Pearson Read More »

Safety of aboriginal kids trumps so-called right to drink – says Cape York Institute

The abuse of grog and violence are epidemics their own right, not merely symptoms of underlying social and psychological problems. Data shows a lot of violent offending is linked to alcohol … We must continue to improve the effectiveness of our approaches, and the QPC should consider what can be done to reduce alcohol and …

Safety of aboriginal kids trumps so-called right to drink – says Cape York Institute Read More »

Gumbuli Wurramara aboriginal elder of Arnhem Land standing against alcohol

The story of the Anglican Aboriginal Churches in the Northern Territory cannot be told without including Gumbuli. He was the first Aboriginal person to be ordained as priest in the NT, and only the 2nd Anglican Aboriginal priest in Australia. He was respected by many at Ngukurr for standing against alcohol being brought into the …

Gumbuli Wurramara aboriginal elder of Arnhem Land standing against alcohol Read More »

Wesleyan Church beliefs on drinking alcohol (1843-2022)

See also: Bible says be sober again and again. See also: Total Abstinence: Wesleyan Methodist Church of Australia (2016) ‘alcohol, tobacco, other harmful drugs … we deplore the industry …’ (WMC Australia) ‘…We believe that the sale and of tobacco, alcohol and other nonmedicinal drugs is a social evil which is draining and corrupting to …

Wesleyan Church beliefs on drinking alcohol (1843-2022) Read More »