Bishop Al Stewart [Bishop of Woolongong speaking at the Anglican Synod] suggested church grounds should be safe places. “I definitely want to see Aussie men converted, I’ve dedicated my life to that. But our churches need to be safe places. And if you don’t know what I mean about a safe place in terms of alcohol, then I think you’ve lived a very sheltered life.”
(Parishes to decide on drinking, Joshua Maule, 28 October 2009, Sydney Anglicans. Al Stewart was bishop of Woolongong)
However, another minister at the same Synod meeting even dared to boast about an “international beer tasting event he ran at his church [in Miranda] last Friday night” What?! This resembles the unscrupulous politicians who buy cheep votes by shouting beer. This explains why Aussie men today resembling Arthur Stace do not get soundly converted like him. Arthur was sick of his old life – so he was looking for what was DIFFERENT – not more of the same old booze – which God denounces, calling it the cruel venom of cobras (Deut. 32:33)!
‘Well look at them and look at us. I’m having a go at what they have got.’
—Arthur Stace “Mr. Eternity”
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27)