
Mr. Eternity: Alcoholic converted because Christians were UNLIKE him

‘Well look at them and look at us. I’m having a go at what they have got.’ —Arthur Stace “Mr. Eternity” Alcoholic Arthur Stace repented when he saw how Christians at St. Barnabas Church were NOT like him. The church’s Anglican rector, RBS Hammond, was a total prohibitionist, and Arthur was a drinker of methylated …

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Catholic Church vs Alcohol

See also: Bible says be sober again and again. Bernard Tolomeo (1272-1348) Tolomeo founded the Olivetan order of Benedictine monks. A late critic asserts: ‘They were also fanatical total abstainers … vineyards were rooted up and the wine-presses and vessels destroyed.’ Olivetans, Catholic Encyclopedia. Benedict himself (480-543) had noted that in earlier times it was …

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Do Presbyterians Drink Alcohol? Presbyterian Church vs Alcohol

See also: Bible says be sober again and again. Total Abstinence: Free Presbyterian Church, Ireland standard of abstinence on our church members… By abstaining we express our liberty, purity, testimony, and community… Our standards … tell the weakest saint among us that we care enough for him to banish even the possibility of our causing …

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Complete alcohol ban: violence out, schools up

The head of WA’s [Western Australia’s] Aboriginal Health Council is calling for alcohol to be made illegal in indigenous communities across the State as the Government considers implementing liquor bans in at least three more townships. Henry Councillor said the early success of a complete alcohol ban imposed on the remote east Kimberley outpost of …

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The Fence or the Ambulance

JOHN N. HURTY, M.D. ‘Twas a dangerous cliff, as they freely confessed, Though to walk near its crest was so pleasant. But over its terrible edge there had slipped A duke and full many a peasant. So the people said something would have to be done, But their projects did not at all tally, Some …

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